2020: What a time to be alive...
Rewind back to Jan 1st, 2020, when everyone played on the 2020 theme: The year of the vision. Honestly I was sick and tired of seeing it, and I thought it was a little corny. Fast forward to today, and boy is the joke on me. In the midst of COVID, racial tension, political disarray, and somehow being expected to be productive at work with the same level of efficiency , I think I can speak for (almost) all of us: We are exhausted.
Somehow this has been the shortest, and longest year of my life. As I’m trying this right now on my lunch break, I’m amazed at how much I have been able to learn about myself and others this year. I’m going to attempt to gather my jumbled thoughts into a somewhat organized list. I hope that my reflection and revelation (watch that be a sermon title at someone’s church), inspire you to do some reflection of your own. If COVID hasn’t done anything else, it’s really given me some time to think.
On Religion: Let me first make the disclaimer that I am absolutely a believer in Jesus, and I believe that the Bible is 100% true. With that being said, here is my list
Bad theology has caused our generation to have to learn and unlearn many things. I could honestly write a whole post on this alone, but I’ll leave it here for now.
The last words of a dying church are “We have always done it this way.” While you can’t (and shouldn’t) change The Gospel, the church should make some adaptations in order to reach the new generation.
We can be so judgmental. The best examples of Jesus reaching people involve him literally coming to them where (and as) they are, Never do you see Jesus putting himself above anyone else during His time here on earth. if we truly want to be like Him, maybe lets try that instead?
On loving yourself and others
You cannot pour from an empty vessel. I had to figure this out hard way. I was sick for months ,and doctors couldn’t figure out what was wrong. Many people (including myself now), believe it was due to stress. Take care of yourself first.
You aren’t nice, you just lack boundaries. I’ll take a moment and let you read that again. One of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do was to admit to myself that I was co-dependent. Co-dependent on my friends, co-dependent on my romantic relationships, co-dependent on my family. Having to socially distance and not being able to see my family only made it worse. In other areas, I realized that I would over extend myself for everyone, and I was always disappointed when I felt like that wasn’t reciprocated. (I later learned that sometimes that can also be a symptom of co-dependence.) The word boundaries used to scare me, because I was always the person who wanted to be well liked, and I was afraid that if I put up boundaries, everyone in my life would leave. Well, the reality is, you may lose a few people because of the boundaries you put up, but in the end it’s worth it.
On enjoying the moment
A huge flaw of mine is always looking for the next thing. Someone told me not too long ago that from the outside looking in, it looks like I have it altogether. I chuckled because that’s exactly how I feel about everyone else. I can honestly say that I do not know how to celebrate myself. The excitement of anything that I accomplish wears off in 24 hours. I mean, how can I relax when there is so much to be done? I’ve got goals to reach, and statistically, if you aren’t in a certain position by a certain age, it’s unlikely that you’ll ever get there. I know money and success aren’t everything, but for someone who grew up like I did, it’s a big thing to me. To others it may look like I’ve done a lot, but to me, I’m nowhere near where I want to be. BUT…I’m also learning that it’s ok to just breathe. So that’s what I’m doing.
On other things that I don’t feel like putting into a category 😂
Just because you are a work in progress, that doesn’t mean you are unworthy (of anything.)
This year more than ever has shown us that everyone is fighting a battle we don’t know about. It free to be kind.
Still smile under your mask. Even faking a smile can make you feel better.
You don’t know who is secretly rooting for you. Don’t quit.
I have no idea what 2021 will bring, but I hope we can all go into the new year healthy, and safe, Remember to wash your hands, give everyone 6 feet, and wear a mask.
With love,