Sometimes the grass isn’t greener…it’s just fake

Alright I’ll fess up. I’ve been spending way too much time on social media lately. We all know for the most part we don’t share the bad things that happen to us on IG or Twitter, so it’s easy to think that even in this time most of us have it together.

Then I had to take a step back and look at my own social media presence. Aside from this blog, I’m not sure if anyone would know that I’m not adjusting to this new normal so gracefully. To some, my grass is in fantastic condition. It’s plush, green, and well watered. Am I faking it? Putting on a front for Facebook? Maybe. (I also believe there is a thin line between transparency and spilling too much of your business online).

So thinking about this, why would I expect others to spill the darkest parts about themselves during this time when I’m not even doing it? Why compare myself to others when I know that social media is the “highlight reel”? You never see a player approach a scout with a DVD of his or her worse plays! Of course we only want the best showcased. So with that being said, I want you to read the title of this blog again…and then again. The next time you’re tempted to compare yourself, remember, all you see is the highlights.

Love always,