Thank You...

Hello friends!! Today’s post is for me…and you. I am fortunate to have people in my life who can gently remind me of the good things about myself when I fail to see them. I have numerous screenshots of encouraging messages and DMs from friends, and I look at them often. About a week or so ago, a friend texted me this: “Candace do you know how [redacted] dope you are?” it caught me by surprise, and my answer was “No”, followed up by “That’s pretty sad isn’t it?”.

To be honest, it still surprises me when people say nice things or just text to check in on me. I don’t see myself as someone who garners thought. (I’m working on it.) Today I’m going to take some time to encourage myself, and hopefully you as well. From time to time it’s good to just say thank you, to yourself. Let’s get started.

Thank you.

Thank you for your vulnerability. Thank you for your willingness to peel back the curtain and share the hard moments. Thank you for sharing your failures, awkwardness, and quirks.

Thank you for smiling. You have a pretty great one, and maybe Colgate will give you an ad campaign soon. *hint hint*

Thank you for being strong, literacy and figuratively. Thank you for not allowing the things that have been done to you to turn our heart cold. Thank you for being able to be warm in the midst of adversity. A huge thank you to the muscles in my body for stretching to accommodate the weight I lift at the gym.

Thank you for trying. Trying to take risks. Trying to see the value in yourself. Trying to give people the benefit of the doubt. Thank you for taking another step each day. Look back and you’ll see hundreds of footprints in the sand. That’s progress. Thank you for seeing it. Thank you for continuing to see it.

Thank you for being willing to serve.

Thank you for seeing the good in yourself, like you see it in others. Thank you for being willing to do the hard work to be a better person, even when tears may ensue.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.