Hi there! My name is Candace Danielle Ogechi Green, but my friends sometimes call me CDOG. Yes, those are my real initials. Occasionally someone will say I look like “Maggie Pierce” (Grey’s Anatomy Reference).

I am a Washington D.C. native, currently living in Birmingham AL. When I’m not writing, I’m doing one of the following: 1.) Eating. Food is my love language. Feed me and I’m yours forvever-ish. 2.) Lifting heavy weights. 3.) Watching Game of Thrones or something Marvel. 4.) Shaming those of you who don’t use turn signals. Seriously, it’s so easy. Please use them. 5.) Did I mention eating?

I’m just here to share some of the more intimate parts of my life, in hopes that it encourages and inspires you do some of the hard work within yourself. You can do it.

Love always,